Your surgeon will bring your rectus muscle together for you, and wearing your post-operative garments, and following your physician’s protocols, will allow them to heal, properly and quickly so you can return to your normal activities, at 6 weeks. Equally important is minimizing risk of abnormal scarring . This is only partly your surgeon’s role. Keeping tension off the incision , is your responsibility. These items will ensure you get the flattest tummy that is both physically strong and cosmetically beautiful.
Included in the Tummy Tuck Recovery Box:
Compression (Abdominal) Binder
You will wake up in the recovery room with your abdominal binder on. This compression binder is a very important part of the surgery, and critical to the best outcome. There are many reasons to be diligent in wearing this. 1 - protection of muscle 2 - Seroma (fluid collection) prevention. Fluid collects in space, therefore, wearing a snug abdominal binder will largely reduce the possibility of collection. 3 - Reduces tension on incision line, decreasing risk of abnormal scarring. 4 - Comfort. It will give support for both abdominal muscles, as well as your back.
Arnica Gel
This has been shown anecdotally, to reduce pain, bruising, and swelling. Arnica Gel can be used in any are but incision sites, or where the integrity of the skin has been compromised.
Scar Gel
Scar care effective in promoting normal healing, and to lower the risk of abnormal scar formation. This should be used once the incision is well healed (usually 2-3 weeks after surgery) for a minimum of 3 months, or at the discretion of your physician.
Scar Dressing
Scar care effective in promoting normal healing, and to lower the risk of abnormal scar formation. This should be used once the incision is well healed (usually 2-3 weeks after surgery) for a minimum of 3 months, or at the discretion of your physician.
Absorbent Pads
First 24-48 hours after surgery (especially when liposuction is performed), expect to have copious amounts of drainage. This fluid is very watery, red and may look like bleeding, but is absolutely normal. These absorbent pads help to absorb the leaking fluid. We provide you with 3 packages, which should be sufficient to absorb all of the fluid we expect to drain out.
Foam Wrap Around
These are useful in preventing skin irritation, but most importantly they are used to prevent indents that may be caused from constant pressure of binder or Faja.