As you wait for your final amazing result, your new breast implants need to become secured in a thin capsule that keeps them exactly where they need to be , for many many bikini top summers to come. This package includes all you will need to facilitate the critical first months of healing . Following your immediate post - operative instructions can increase your likeliness of long term success., and decrease risk. This surgery is the most highly rated cosmetic surgery of all! Enjoy!
Included in the BBA (Bilateral Breast Augmentation) Box:
Breast Band (strap)
Breast bands are used to immobilize breast implants, and prevent them from migrating too high (when placed above your breasts), to prevent bottoming out (when placed at the breast fold). The band should be applied tight enough that you feel compression. To avoid a possible sore, release the band for 5 minutes several times a day to allow your skin to breathe and recover.
Two Wireless Support Bras
Support bras provide nipple protection for sensitive nipples. The snug band provides breast fold support needed to prevent displaced implants. This should be worn 24/7 for 6 weeks, or at the discretion of your physician.
Arnica Gel
This has been shown anecdotally, to reduce pain, bruising, and swelling. Arnica Gel can be used in any are but incision sites, or where the integrity of the skin has been compromised.
Scar Gel
Scar care effective in promoting normal healing, and to lower the risk of abnormal scar formation. This should be used once the incision is well healed (usually 2-3 weeks after surgery) for a minimum of 3 months, or at the discretion of your physician.
Absorbent Pads
First 24-48 hours after surgery (especially when liposuction is performed), expect to have copious amounts of drainage. This fluid is very watery, red and may look like bleeding, but is absolutely normal. These absorbent pads help to absorb the leaking fluid. We provide you with 3 packages, which should be sufficient to absorb all of the fluid we expect to drain out.