You have picked your surgeon to perform their part of the BBL surgery. Now it is your turn to do all you can to ensure you achieve optimum fat survival, and smooth contours with the least risk. The package includes items that reduce inflammation, bruising and swelling to enhance results and promote healing.
Included in the BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) Recovery Box:
Stage 1 Compression Faja (to mid-thigh)
This is a compression garment used during the first 10 days after surgery. It's primary purpose is to apply light compression, in order to minimize bleeding, bruising and swelling after surgery. This garment should be loosened or taken off 5 times a day. Please wear a layer underneath, as they faja should not be directly on. your skin. Wearing a cotton t-shirt next to your skin may help to maximize comfort.
Absorbent Pads
First 24-48 hours after surgery (especially when liposuction is performed), expect to have copious amounts of drainage. This fluid is very watery, red and may look like bleeding, but is absolutely normal. These absorbent pads help to absorb the leaking fluid. We provide you with 3 packages, which should be sufficient to absorb all of the fluid we expect to drain out.
Back Board
This board is used along with the Abdominal board to help shape the lower back and abdomen, and minimize skin folds from forming. They are worn under the Stage 1 Faja, and under the direction of a physician.
Abdominal Board
This board is used along with the Back board to help shape the lower back and abdomen, and minimize skin folds from forming. They are worn under the Stage 1 Faja, and under the direction of a physician.
Waist Trainer
This is fundamentally a body-shaping waist trainer, and has been effective in enhancing curves sculpted by your surgeon. You will begin to wear this as soon as your physician says it is fine to do so. These provide more compression, and should be worn as much as possible for the first 3 months. Taking breaks at least 5 times a day for vigorous massage and skin checks.
Brazilian Butt Lift Pillow
It is always best to stay off of your bottom after surgery. If you must sit, after 2 weeks and for up to 3 months, use the pillow to keep the pressure off of your bottom. This enhances fat survival. The longer you can keep pressure off of the transferred fat, the more the fat will survive.
Bed Pan
In the first few days, you may not wish to sit on the toilet, or feel too weak to sit on a toilet. A bed pan will help. However, it should only be used when absolutely necessary. Getting out of bed to go to the bathroom is a great excuse to get up and move. Staying in bed and not moving at all increases risk of blood clots, and therefore we encourage you to get up and move, even for brief periods of time.
Foam - Individual Sheet
These are useful in preventing skin irritation, but most importantly they are used to prevent indents that may be caused from constant pressure of binder or Faja.
Foam - Wrap around
These are useful in preventing skin irritation, but most importantly they are used to prevent indents that may be caused from constant pressure of binder or Faja.
Arnica Gel
This has been shown anecdotally, to reduce pain, bruising, and swelling. Arnica Gel can be used in any area but incision sites, or where the integrity of the skin has been compromised.